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Kaufen Sie Smooth-On bei FormX

Smooth-On ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von 3D-Modellierungsmaterialien wie Formenbau-, Gieß- und Spezialeffektmaterialien, industrielle Gießharze, Klebstoffe und Ausrüstung. FormX ist Vertriebspartner von Smooth-On-Produkten in Europa.

EPSILON™ + 101 Hardener wurde für Disney entwickelt und ist eine thixotrope Epoxidbeschichtung, die sich selbst verdickt, um auf eine Vielzahl von Oberflächen gestrichen werden zu können, ohne abzusacken. Epsilon™ PRO bietet eine längere Verarbeitungszeit und das ausgehärtete Epoxidharz ist halbsteif und bietet eine bessere Schlagfestigkeit. Verwenden Sie es als Schutzbeschichtung für EPS oder Polyurethanschaum. Es kann auch auf Gips, Beton, Holz und Gewebe aufgetragen werden. EPSILON™ + 101 Hardener ist unempfindlich gegen Feuchtigkeit und enthält keine VOCs.

EPSILON™ + 101 Härter härtet bei Raumtemperatur zu einem schlagfesten Kunststoff aus, der eine gute Druck- und Biegefestigkeit aufweist. EPSILON™ + 101 Hardener kann lackiert und/oder grundiert und dann mit Acryllacken bemalt werden, um große, leichte und realistische Displays herzustellen.

Eine weichere, halbstarre Version der ursprünglichen Epsilon™-Epoxidbeschichtung. Ein Mischungsverhältnis von 2A:1B nach Volumen bedeutet, dass für die Verwendung dieses Produkts keine Grammwaage erforderlich ist. Epsilon™ PRO bietet außerdem eine längere Verarbeitungszeit und lässt sich mit Ignite™- oder UVO™-Farbmitteln leichter einfärben.

Epsilon & Hardener

Epsilon & Hardener

  • EPSILON™ + 101 Hardener /5 kg

    EPSILON™ + 101 Hardener /5 kg

    202,30 EUR

Epsilon Pro

Epsilon Pro

  • EPSILON™ Pro /0,65 kg

    EPSILON™ Pro /0,65 kg

    42,69 EUR

  • Epsilon™ PRO /5,17 kg

    Epsilon™ PRO /5,17 kg

    263,60 EUR


Preparation – Avoid breathing fumes - use in a well ventilated area at minimum. NIOSH approved respirator is recommended. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize skin contact. This material has a high exotherm (generates heat). Do not mix components in glass or foam containers. Materials should be stored and used in a room temperature environment 23°C. Elevated temperatures will reduce Pot Life. Epsilon™ PRO Part A resin and Part B Hardener must be properly measured and thoroughly mixed to achieve full, high-strength, solid-cure properties. Because no two applications are quite the same, a small test application to determine suitability for your project is recommended if performance of this material is in question.

Applying a Release Agent – For releasing epoxy from non-porous surfaces such as resin, metal, glass etc., use Ease Release™ 200 or 205 (available here) to prevent adhesion.

Measuring and Dispensing – Accurate ratio measurements by weight are required for the material to cure properly and develop full physical properties. Dispense proper proportions of parts A and B into clean plastic, metal or wax-free paper containers.

Mixing – Do not use foam or glass mixing containers. Mix Parts A and B thoroughly for at least 3 minutes with a square edged mixing stick. Be aggressive and scrape sides and bottom of mixing container several times. If using a drill mixer, follow with hand mixing as directed above to ensure thorough mixing.

Extending Working Time – mixed material in a deep mixing cup or bucket will set up quickly due to concentration of the liquid mass. Pour mixture into a flat (shallow) metal cookie sheet or baking pan and dispense product from there. Working time will be extended.

Important - Mixed Epsilon™ PRO Resin with PART B Hardener is exothermic, meaning it generates heat. A concentrated mass of mixed epoxy in a confined area such as a mixing container can generate enough heat to melt a plastic cup, burn skin or ignite combustible materials if left to stand for its full Pot Life. If a batch of mixed epoxy begins to exotherm, move it outdoors to an open air environment.

Adding Color - Epsilon™ PRO Epoxy Surface Coat System can be colored with SO Strong™ or UVO™ colorants . Pre-mix colorant with Part A thoroughly and then add Part B.

Thickening Epsilon™ PRO - Adding Ure-fil™ 9 (fumed silica) to Epsilon™ PRO creates a creamy, easy to spread and smooth paste which is perfect for filling seams, repairing small dents & divots in foam or smoothing rough areas on EPS foam surfaces. Adding Ure-fil™ 11 (short strand fibers) will yield a slightly thicker paste for better vertical surface hold-ability. Recommended: start with a mix ratio of 2 Parts A to 2 Parts Filler to 1 Part B. The amount of filler can be increased or decreased based on application requirements.

Apply In Thin Layers - two thin layers of Epsilon™ PRO are recommended for a smooth, uniform coating. Using chip brush or roller, apply 1st thin layer to surface and let epoxy partially cure until “tacky hard”. Apply 2nd thin layer. Allow both layers to fully cure. Do not apply epoxy thicker than 0.32 cm per layer as this may cause sagging and result in an uneven cured coating.

Cure Time- Refer to the specified “Cure Times” in the “Material Properties” section on front of this Technical Bulletin. Fully cured material will be hard and unable to penetrate with a finger nail. Cured epoxy can now be dry sanded. If machining or sanding, wear NIOSH approved mask to prevent inhalation of particles.

Painting – Epsilon™ PRO can be painted and/or primed and then painted with acrylic enamel paints. Let paint fully dry before putting part into service. For best results, lightly sand surface prior to painting.

Removing Epoxy – Uncured / Non-curing epoxy: Scrape as much material as possible from the surface using a scraper. Clean the residue with E-POX-EE KLEENER™ available from Smooth-On, lacquer thinner, acetone or alcohol. Follow safety warnings pertaining to solvents and provide adequate ventilation.

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