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AcrylCast Mineral Polymer


AcrylCast is a non toxic, water based - mineral/acrylic - casting and molding system. It is easy to use and pleasant to work with.

AcrylCast consists of a mineral powder component and an acrylic liquid component that are mixed together to a yoghurt like consistency that can be cast solid or laid up by hand with glass fiber reinforcement to form strong and lightweight pieces. These pieces can be painted, sanded, machined, polished and are extremely strong and durable.

Applications include the production of architectural elements, reproducing sculpture, molds and back-up molds, creating theme effects etc
Metal Powders (bronze, iron, brass) can be added to give the look of metal. Marble and stone powders can be added to achieve various results.

AcrylCast technical bulletin.pdf [219 KB]

  • AcrylCast Sets
  • Acrylcast Liquid
  • Optional X
  • Technical Bulletin

AcrylCast Sets - Powder + Liquid

AcrylCast Kits

  • Sample Set /875gr

    test set (625 gram powder + 250 gram liquid)

    9,08 EUR

  • Studio Set /3,5kg

    AcrylCast 3.5 kg Set (1kg Liquid + 2,5kg Powder).

    16,95 EUR

AcrylCast Kits

  • Production Set /17,5kg

    AcrylCast 17,5 kg Set (5kg Liquid + 12,5kg Powder).

    121,51 EUR

  • Industrial Set /35kg

    Industrial Kit 35 kg (25kg powder + 10kg Liquid).

    238,45 EUR

AcrylCast Liquids

AcrylCast Liquid

  • Liquid /1kg

    AcrylCast Liquid 1kg

    15,61 EUR

AcrylCast Liquid

  • Liquid /5kg

    AcrylCast Liquid 5kg

    72,00 EUR

  • Optional X /0,262kg

    Component for improved whether resistance. For Studio Kit. Pot 0,262 kg.

    4,24 EUR

  • Optional X /1,31kg

    Component for improved whether resistance. For Production Kit. Bucket 1,31 kg.

    15,85 EUR

  • Optional X /2,62kg

    Component for improved whether resistance. For Industrial Kit. Bucket 2,62 kg.

    31,70 EUR

Hilfe bei der Auswahl

Produkte nach Anwendung sortiert, z. B.:Lifecasting, Bildhauerei, Gießen, Special FX Make-up, Zahnprothesen Special FX, Studium.

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