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MaqPro Bruise Gel

Farbiges Gel zur Herstellung von blauen Flecken. In Schichten auftragen, um den gewünschten Effekt zu erzielen

MaqPro Bruise Gel

  • MaqPro Bruise Gel 5 ml VIOLET

    Coloured gel to make bruises with. Apply in layers to get the desired effect Color: Violet, 5 ml pot.

    16,70 EUR

  • MaqPro Bruise Gel 5 ml COAGULE

    Coloured gel to make bruises with. Apply in layers to get the desired effect Color: Coagule Sang 5 ml pot.

    16,70 EUR

  • MaqPro Bruise Gel 5 ml GREEN

    Coloured gel to make bruises with. Apply in layers to get the desired effect Color: Green, 5 ml pot.

    16,70 EUR

  • MaqPro Bruise Gel 5 ml MARRON

    Coloured gel to make bruises with. Apply in layers to get the desired effect Color: Marron, 5 ml pot.

    25,36 EUR

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