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HX-Body Latex™ Black /3,62 kg

HX-Body Latex™ ist ein hochwertiges flüssiges Naturlatexprodukt für die direkte Bemalung des Körpers. Es hat einen hohen Feststoffgehalt und eine hohe Viskosität, wodurch es sich sehr gut für die Bemalung von dreidimensionalen Oberflächen oder Menschen eignet. Neben der Herstellung von bemalbarer Kleidung und Kostümen kann HX-Body Latex auch für die Herstellung von Masken, Gipsen, Formenbau und Spezialeffekten verwendet werden. HX-Body Latex™ kann mit unseren FABTONE-Farben nach Belieben abgetönt und eingefärbt werden. Sie können HX-Body Latex™ mit etwa 1 % destilliertem Wasser verdünnen, damit es durch ein Airbrush-System fließen kann.

Holden's HX-Body Latex™ wurde von einem unabhängigen Labor als "hautverträglich" zertifiziert. Das Material verursachte keine Reaktion auf die Hautprobe im Labor. Verwenden Sie dieses Produkt nicht, wenn Sie allergisch auf Latex reagieren.

Allergien: Lesen Sie das Etikett sorgfältig. Verwenden Sie dieses Produkt nicht, wenn Sie eine bekannte Allergie gegen Latex haben. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, bringen Sie das Etikett zu Ihrem Arzt und bitten Sie ihn um Rat. Wenn eine allergische Reaktion auftritt, beenden Sie die Anwendung und suchen Sie sofort einen Arzt auf.

Lieferbar in 1-2 Wochen

132,89 EUR

incl. 21% USt. zzgl. Versand
Gewicht: 4 kg

Dieses Produkt weiterempfehlen



Keep Out of Reach of Children BE CAREFUL -
Avoid use if you have known allergies to natural latex. Avoid contact with eyes. Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention. Remove from skin with
waterless hand cleaner followed by soap and water. Children should not use this product without adult supervision.


Do not allow Body Latex to freeze. The material will not be usable.
Store and use material at room temperature 23°C. This product has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible. Colder temperatures will slow the working/cure time, while warmer temperatures will reduce working time. Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk.


Anyone with known latex allergies should not use cured, or uncured, latex directly against the skin. If they are not sure, always do a small scale test by applying a small amount to the inside of the model’s arm to test sensitivity to latex or ammonia. If a rash does appear, simply remove the latex coating by washing thoroughly with mild soap and warm water and avoid using liquid latex on the skin again.

HX-Body Latex™ will bond to body hair. Therefore, it is strongly recommendedthat any part of your model’s body to be dipped, or coated, or painted withHX-Body Latex should be free of body hair. If you do get liquid latex into your hair, it is best removed in the shower with a generous amount of soap to help lubricate thelatex coating enough to gently slide off of the embedded hairs. Apply a liberal coatingof any good moisturizing lotion just before applying the liquid latex to the skin can help facilitate easy removal after use.

HX-Body Latex™ should not be applied over the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
HX-Body Latex™ is intended for external use only and refrain from applying it on inflamed, patchy, acne-prone, and damaged skin.



Body Latex may be used with a sponge, fingers or a brush. Apply directly to the skin. You may thin the Liquid Latex withapproximately 1% of distilled water to allow it to flow through an airbrush system.
For best results, typically several coatings are applied. Each latex coating will quickly cure at body temperature, usually in about 5-10 minutes after initial application or a hair dryer can be used to speed up the process. Body latex will naturally shrinks approximately 3%, creating that “second skin” sensation. Once the desired thickness is achieved by brushing on multiple layers, the Body Latex can be lightly powdered to avoid it sticking to itself if it comes in contact with itself.


Start off by rinsing your hand under warm water. You can either use a soap or a body wash, both works well. Lather your hand or the painted area with good amount of soap. Massage the area thoroughly with a scrubber or your hands. This will help peel off latex from your skin smoothly. Start pulling latex away from your skin, but do it gently without damaging your skin. Keep a warm cloth handy to soothe your skin while peeling it off. A general rule-of-thumb is, the longer it stays on your skin, the more easily it comes off. This is because the oil and perspiration on your body will loosen the latex

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